The Retrospective

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Entries Tagged as 'Culture'

RetroPlay: Edition 5, Curated by Caitlin

September 24th, 2012 No Comments

Lady singers: I can’t get enough of them. I will allege left and right that I listen to dude crooners, too; that I’m totally not sexist, biased, or in any way disposed more kindly toward the fairer sex when it comes to pleasing tuneage. But at the end of the day, who is it that […]

Tags: Culture · Music · The Retrospective

RetroPlay: Edition 4, Curated by Phil

August 22nd, 2012 No Comments

Phil is our tireless in-house Director, reporter, and man-about-town whose home base is in the Bay. Our request for him to curate Edition 4 of RetroPlay was met with a threat that the list would be nothing but back to back Lady Gaga. Thankfully, Phil’s bark is worse thank his bite.  Sit back, press play, and […]

Tags: Culture · Music · San Francisco · The Retrospective

A New Doctor for a New Generation

June 7th, 2010 No Comments

Doctor Who is the property of the BBC What a challenge! Cast a 27 year old in an iconic British role usually filled by a 35-40 year old experienced British actor. That is the challenge that Steven Moffat and the new writing team of Doctor Who have put in front of themselves. Already I’m a […]

Tags: Culture · London · TV · Video

Pump 20: Reebok Pumps it Up for Sneakerheads

December 21st, 2009 1 Comment

Reebok’s Pump20 is an exciting new project for the iconic sneaker’s 20th birthday

Tags: Culture · Fashion

Big Time Sensuality – Spring Break in Iceland

May 20th, 2009 2 Comments

Many college students make traditional spring break getaway plans, hopping flights to Cancun, Fort Lauderdale, and Las Vegas. I made the decision to pack my bags and reserve a roundtrip ticket to the nation of Iceland. I know it sounds random, but this was definitely a trip that I will never forget. Due to the […]

Tags: Culture · Travel

Theophilus London – This Charming Tour

March 6th, 2009 No Comments

Theophilus London kicked off “This Charming Tour” in Allston, MA. last Thursday at one of Boston’s more notorious locations for local undergrads. The volume of crowd was low, but morale was high. How high? As soon as Theophilus stepped on stage I almost got tackled by an overly excited fan with big X’s on the […]

Tags: Boston · event · Event · Music