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FROM THE KLAX: “Get Busy Living” – Ryan De La Hoz

April 30th, 2010 by

KLAX Ryan De La Hoz Get Busy Living
Header Graphic Design: Matt Carvalho of The Deft Collective

Every so often an artist goes from being unknown to a force to be reckoned with in what seems like a matter of a moment. Ryan De La Hoz is currently living in that moment. KLAX is proud to bring you “GET BUSY LIVING”, a short film about Ryan De La Hoz and the meanings surrounding his work. The one single take away from his work revolves around the word fragility. The definition of fragility is the quality or state of being easily broken or destroyed. Ryan has the ability to expose beauty to things that could easily be misconstrued as negative or detrimental to human kind. As we move forward in a very complex and challenging global culture, Ryan’s work speaks a simpler language of recognizing the beauty that surround us. There is a constant theme in Ryan’s work of hope for a better tomorrow, and that is as beautiful as the work itself.

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Tags: Art · San Francisco · Video2 Comments

RetroTV: Blvck Scvle “Balance of Opposites”

February 23rd, 2010 by

Black Scale is quickly becoming the unsung hero of street wear culture. Commanding absolute respect on both the ground level and throughout the international fashion market, it’s gone from good idea to San Francisco flagship in only a little over a year. But unconditional admiration and global acclaim is never a simple coincidence: behind every great empire is a leader with vision, and in the case of Black Scale, there’s MEGA.

In a world where balance is everything, MEGA effortlessly walks the edge as if it were the norm, striking the balance of opposites with every stride. This first-hand story takes you beyond the label to hear MEGA’s brilliant perspective, inducting you into the society of secrets known as Black Scale.

Countinue Reading…

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