In the world we live in your brand, company, and product are under such scrutiny in so many ways that most companies can’t even begin to fathom the repercussions of their actions.
Tags: site news · The Retrospective3 Comments
In the world we live in your brand, company, and product are under such scrutiny in so many ways that most companies can’t even begin to fathom the repercussions of their actions.
Tags: site news · The Retrospective3 Comments
Armin over at Brand New had a great in depth look at the massive, and all around expensive (1.2 billion dollars over the course of 3 years! Who says companies aren’t spending money on advertising?) rebranding of Pepsi. New York firm Arnell Group is responsible for the rebranding while TBWA\Chiat\Day handled print and television campaigns. Over the holiday season I started seeing the new distinct wide mouth Pepsi logo displayed all over print and video ads. The new wide mouth design is actually inspired by a vintage version of the logo. On a design front, I think the ad’s, NOT the new logo are very well executed and attention grabbing. The subtle change to the Pepsi logo goes almost unnoticed, and boy are they trying to get your to notice. I found myself asking, “Does any of this really amount to anyone wanting to go out and advocate, spread the word, or even ponder at what’s new with Pepsi?”.
Tags: Advertising · Marketing5 Comments