The Retrospective

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Blackberry 9700: Worthy Heir or Pretender to the Throne?

March 5th, 2010 No Comments

Photo Courtsey of RIM A significant departure from previous Blackberry devices, the Bold 9000 proved that Research In Motion could make stylish smartphones on par with those of Apple or Nokia. After three years of committed iPhone use, I bought the Bold 9000 in December 2009 and spent a month learning the intricacies, strengths and […]

Tags: gadget · Technology

Interactive Projection You Can Wear

April 7th, 2009 1 Comment

Imagine a device that can comprehend what you are holding, identify specific hand gestures, and even decode the physical make-up of any given object. At this February’s TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) convention, Pattie Maes and brainy MIT student Pranav Mistry debuted a working prototype that can do all of the above. Technology is now […]

Tags: Technology